Safety First.

4th of July Celebration


This weekend is a 4th of July weekend and many people will be celebrating with food, fireworks, friends, and family.  Celebrating is what we do as a part of the American culture.  We celebrate almost anything in our society, but even as we celebrate, we must be sure to be safe as we celebrate.  Indulging in good food, various drinks and beautiful firework displays can be a lot of fun, but safety should be a major priority in our thinking.  As we enjoy our barbecue, fried fish, potato salad, chicken, and other delectibles don’t forget to practice water and firework safety principles.  Drive defensively and watch out for the other guy.  This time every year thousands of people are injured or killed because of carelessness.  Don’t allow your celebration to take a tragic turn.  Remember, safety should always come first.  Have fun and don’t drink and drive because the life you save might be your own.  Free yourself and you’ll feel better!!!

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