Does Your word Matter?
I have a chapter in my book, Enlightenment-Looking Back To Move Forward, that speaks to commitment. Making a promise is always easier than keeping a promise. Sometimes we get caught up in the heat of the moment and we find ourselves saying things that sound good, but in reality they are more difficult to sustain over a period of time. It is easy to become outraged at an injustice if a resolution is found quickly; however, when the resolution is not reached in a few months or the problem still persists after a lengthy period, many will become weary in well doing. It takes tonasity, commitment, and persistence to keep going when everybody else falls by the wayside. I don’t know how many people made a commitment to stop watching the NFL games this season until Quarterback colin Kaepernick is re-instated or hired by another NFL team, but I was one of those people who made that commitment. So far I have stuck to my promise not to watch or even check the scores of the games. I am a die-hard Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan, but I have resisted the urge to check the scores or even listen to the game analysis. It might not mean a lot to anyone else, but I made the decision I would participate with Shaun King in his boycott against the NFL. Even if no one of importance knows I am boycotting, I intend to see it through until an acceptable resolution is found. There are those who choose to be distracters from the real issue of injustice, but I will remain vigilant and focused until the issue is addressed. I don’t know how many others are choosing to participate with this boycott, but those who do can rest assured an impact is being made. It’s not about what everybody else does, but what will you do to make a difference?