I know it’s almost time to move on to a new president, but I want the record to show that I am going to miss President Barak Obama. I can only speak for myself when I say I think he has been a great president for our country.
In spite of all the opposition he has had to endure, he has been able to accomplish so many things for the American people like affordable health care, bring Bin Laden to justice, open the White House to truly become the White House of the people, increased job opportunities and expand educational opportunities for all.
I am most proud because I never thought we would have an African-American president in my life time, but God in His infinite wisdom allowed this man to hold the highest office in the world and still maintain his integrity.
I am proud to call him my president and I hate to see him go. I don’t know if we will ever have the opportunity to elect another African-American president or eventually elect a female to this position, but President Obama has opened the pathway for it to happen again.
He has shown many generations of children, Black, White, Hispanic, Native American, and others that nothing is impossible to achieve. I salute you, President Obama for a job well done.